Why Have Chiropractic Treatment? At the Chiropractor Near Me

Why Choose It?

Chiropractic is frequently chosen by those seeking complementary health care for the conditions stated on the Home Page of this website (conditions that the ASA allow chiropractors to advertise).

Chiropractors recognize that many factors affect your health, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, environment and heredity. 

Starts with a thorough evaluation

When you visit a chiropractor, you will be evaluated using time-honored methods, including consultation, case history, and physical examination. In addition, you will receive a careful chiropractic structural examination, with particular attention paid to the spine.

A broad range of techniques are used to locate, analyze and gently correct facet joint strains in the spine. Chiropractors most commonly use manual adjustment or soft tissue techniques.

Partners with other healthcare professionals

Doctors of chiropractic work in tandem with other healthcare professionals. If your condition requires attention from another branch of the healthcare profession, that recommendation or referral will be made.

Dr. Lawrence Benner, Chiropractor*
*Important Note:
It is of utmost importance to recognize that our practitioners are not medical doctors, do not possess medical degrees, and are not affiliated with the General Medical Council. Instead, they are registered with the General Chiropractic Council. In the United Kingdom, the use of the 'Dr' title by Chiropractors, Dentists, or Veterinarians is considered a 'Courtesy Title.'
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